
Showing posts from April, 2011

Heavenly Mother

A few weeks ago, while I was promoting the study of our Founding Mothers by showcasing one of Abigail Adams' divinely inspired letters , I goofed. In stating that General Authorities had had little to say on the subject of our Founding Mothers, I made a bad comparison, arguing that "Church leaders have never taught us from the pulpit in General Conference about inspired Founding Mothers any more than they've taught us about our Heavenly Mother." Turns out, that's not actually true. Church leaders really haven't had much to say about our Founding Mothers, but a new paper forthcoming from the journal BYU Studies  (50.1) demonstrates that they've had a WHOLE BUNCH to say about Heavenly Mother. In their article "'A Mother There': A Survey of Historical Teaching about Mother in Heaven," David Paulsen and Martin Pulido review more than 600--count 'em--Church sanctioned references to our Heavenly Mother, dramatically debunking the myth ...

88 Percent of Atheists . . .

. . . prefer hot weather over cold (as opposed to just 54 percent of the general population), according to the March 19th entry on . And who says God won't answer an atheist's prayer?